An emergency can happen at any time. The leading cause of death for people under the age of 44 in America is emergency trauma. In addition, in the United States alone, it is estimated that 98,000 people die yearly from preventable medical errors.[1] Give yourself a greatly improved chance of avoiding becoming a statistic by preparing information in advance that explains your medical needs immediately for first responders attending to you, information that could be vital during the "golden hour" (the small window of opportunity to turn around the chances of death through prompt medical treatment).[2] This article provides a quick and simple guide to keeping a concise but vital set of information both on your person, as well as in a highly obvious and accessible place, that could help first responders save your life in the situation where you are unable to speak for yourself.
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Prepare a quick emergency medical information list in the way that will most maximize your chances of getting good treatment. Set out the essentials of emergency medical information needed by medical personnel. Put the information in a place that is easily discovered when help arrives, such as a pocket card. In it you should list:
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Identify your primary care practitioner, or PCP. Include the doctor's name, address and any and all phone/fax numbers you have for him/her. Your doctor will expect that they will be contacted in such an event, but letting them know you have put this together is always a good idea.
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Where to turn should questions arise about your wishes. Family members, doctor, etc. should be contacted if you need a transfusion, operation, etc. Emergency contact(s). Your spouse, sibling, parent, child, anyone whom you trust enough to be the first to know about your condition, since this will likely be the first person the ER contacts. Of course, be sure to let the person know they are on this list, and if possible, give them a copy of this information.
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Keep the information list brief, but as detailed as possible. Although there isn't time to be reading your entire life story, details will be important.
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Keep the information on your person at all times. After all, this information is of little use if doctors, paramedics, and EMTs don't have immediate access to it in the event of an emergency. Here are a number of ways to keep it close to you:
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