corporate wellness programs
Assess your current physical wellness. Physical wellness encompasses nutrition and physical fitness. Physical wellness also includes your medical wellness. Good medical wellness includes health-promoting medical practices like getting regular medical check-ups and using preventative healthcare. It also involves avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and recreational drug use. Helpful questions to consider when assessing your physical wellness include
corporate wellness programs
Assess your level of nutritional wellness. Nutritional wellness has to do with how well nourished and supported your body is.
corporate wellness programs
Assess your level of mental wellness. Mental wellness is a measure of how you cope with difficult situations and how well you balance your emotions.
corporate wellness programs
Assess your level of spiritual wellness. Spiritual wellness isn’t about religion or personal faith but about how you perceive the meaning of life and your place in it.
corporate wellness programs
corporate wellness programs
Assess your level of emotional and relationship wellness. Emotional and relationship wellness pertains to how well you are aware of, accepting of, and able to deal with your feelings and the feelings of those around you. Having health emotional and relationship wellness makes you feel more resilient and supported. Conversely, lack of emotional wellness can sap your energy and happiness.
wellnessAssess your level of financial wellness. Financial wellness entails your sense of
financial stability and health.
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