Hi Guyz in this video i tell you about Youtube Adsense and How to you can Apply Adsense . Like , Comment and share this video to all . Subscribe my channel and learn more about new things .
Youtube Ads
How to use Youtube ads to increase views, subscribers and revenue. Learn how to optimize your c ampaigns, and get more view. and clicks for less...
YOu've seen the really annoying Youtube ads before right?
The ones that pop up before videos that you can't skip until after 5 seconds of the ad. The ones that appear in the search results above the arganic results. and also the ones to the side of the videos you've been watching.
If you haven't consciously noticed them, you've probably clicked one before...
Here I want to show you how powerful Youtube ads are right now, and I'm going to offer some tips and strategies to maximize your campaigns.
You're going to be able to genrate targeted views, increase your subscriber base and also send clicks to your own products. affiliate offers and more...
The Types of Ads
You have a few option to ads you're going to run, but these are the most popular .
In-Stream Ads
A video ad placed in front of videos which the user can watch, click on , and skip.
You've probably seen these when you've tried to watch videos before. and yes,
you can create your own ad decide who's going to view them.
Key things To Consider With In-Stream ads
1. With an in-stream ad, you're only charged for a view if the person it's deliverd to watches over 30 seconds of your video ad. If the video is shorter then 30 seconds, you'll get charged once they watch all of it. So if someone sees it, adn skips it after 6 seconds. you won't be charged for that view.
2. In stream ads work well with interst targeting, alongside placement targeting ( more on the soon )
3 . You should create an in stream ad, and think about gainging the attention of the viewer. This is called disruptive adcertising, and you want to think about how you're going to get their atetntion and ger them to click through. keep the ad short, compelling, and entice them to want to find out more.
4. You can send the viewer to your channel, to a video, and also to an external link ( sales page )
In- Display Ads
You can adcertise within search result, targeting keywords and being shown as the top result. You can adertise within the suggested video section of a related video , alongside on a video overly.
You can write a headline, choose a thumbnail and write a compelling description too.
Key things To Consider With In-Display Ads
1. With and in-display ad, you can send the user stright th the typical video page where they can watch, share and comment or you can send them to your channel page. The video you use for the ad will became the featured image. If you're looking to increase brand awareness and subscribers then go to the channel page, If you want to interact or have call to action then go straigth to the video.
2. These ads work well with keyword targeting, as you can pay to rank well for targeted keywords.
3 you want to send them to good content, and typically send them to longer videos. People tend to be search for somthing to find your ad, so you want to send them to a compelling video which will hold their attention, Use in-display ads to drive views to some of your best videos.
4. choose the most eye catching thumbnail, and write a compelling headline ad description to get them to click.
The Targeting
Think about it.
Where do you watn totargen them, how do you want to target them and who do you want to target?
The more targeted you can make your ads the better, as failing to drive targeted views and click will result in low engagement.
You can target people by .
1. Demographic -By age, gender, location and more.
2. By topic - You can target videos related to a given topic
3. By interest - You can target a user who show an interest in a topic. This pulls data from what they search, what they watch , and it will display relevant ads to them.
4. By keyword - Choose a selection of keywords that target your potential audience. What would people search to find your video?
5. By placement - Decide what video and channel's you want your ad to be show on .
6. Retargeting - Target people who visit your website
The more targeted you can make your ads the better, but you want to make sure your audience in on a large scale. Too smaller audiences will mean your ad will hardly be displayed .
Optimize Campaigns
When you start to run your campaigns, you'll gatehr analytics form the. Youtune provides stats as target keywords that are performing well, target keywords thar are costing you a lot per view , puls how long people watch your in-srteam ads.
In fact, Youtube provides a lot of stats that we can use to optimize our campaigns.
TIP: Run your campaigns with a high bid for view to start with. Use as many related keywords and targeting as you can and them after a week review your ads. What keywords aren't performing? Which ones are? Optimize your ad upon the analytics gatherd.
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