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Hellow Guyz How are you I hope you will fine   .Today   Video is  Diet and Cut Calories  . watch my video and learn it . for any suggestin you can Contect me on the video comment . start watcing video . 

Step : 0 Cut Calories to Avoid Gaining Weight


While healthy food choices are key, it’s also important to eat the right amount of food. Cutting calories is one easy way to stop weight gain. Eating an extra 100 calories a day can cause you to gain 10 pounds a year, whereas eating 100 calories less than usual may result in a loss of 10 pounds. Here are 10 simple ways to reduce calories and still enjoy eating.

Step : One   Make Oil Substitutions

Changing your cooking methods is a good way to cut 100 calories or more. Use low-salt chicken broth to keep vegetables or chicken from sticking to the bottom of a pan instead of oil or butter. Another option is to use cooking spray. “This is one of the easiest ways to cut calories .

Step : Two  Go on Beverage Alert

Drink water or zero-calorie beverages. Obvious drinks to avoid are soda, sweet teas, and sugary sports drinks, but this also includes cutting out the sugar-free beverages that only have 10 calories per 8 ounces. Most bottles are 16 ounces, and if you drink five bottles per day, that adds up to 100 calories!”

Step : three   Change Up that Coffee

We know they’re tempting, but watch out for fancy coffee drinks filled with calories. Switch from a Frappuccino to just regular coffee and lose 100 calories or more. Next, skip the sugar or use a zero-calorie sweetener instead. Just three sugar packets equal 33 calories, so all it takes is three cups of coffee to reach 100 calories in sugar intake alone.

Step : four Modify the Recipe

In baking, substitute applesauce for the oil in the recipe,” says Dana M. Ellis, MPH, RD, a cardiac transplant dietitian at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. “That could save much more than just 100 calories.” When making pancakes, leave out the oil entirely. Using a nonstick pan will prevent sticking and will not affect the taste.

Step : five Portion Size Counts

With supersized French fries, bottomless sodas, and a general explosion of portion sizes, it’s hard to know how much to eat. Today it’s 4 ounces and 500 calories. Two slices of pepperoni pizza used to be 500 calories. Now they’re 850. Eat a 3-ounce bagel instead of a 4-ounce one and save at least 100 calories.

step : six   Learn to Say "No Thanks"

“Cut the cheese from your sandwich,” recommends Harwood. “From ordering a sub or hamburger when dining out to making your own sandwich at home, leaving off the cheese cuts 100 calories fast.” The restaurant bread basket is another place to cut calories. Stop at just one piece of bread or one dinner roll to help keep calories under control.

Step : Saven   Watch Out for Toppings, Dressings, and Dips

They seem so healthy, but salads can be full of hidden calories. Measure salad dressing (stay under two tablespoons) to cut calories. Even better, use a low-fat dressing or switch to a vinaigrette. And leave off the croutons! As for dips, try hummus instead of sour cream or cheesy options to top vegetables.

Step : Eight  Make Smart Food Substitutions

Substitutions make it easy to cut calories and enjoy your favorite food: Use skim milk instead of 2 percent; buy wheat crackers instead of butter crackers; choose cereal instead of pop tarts; replace a bagel with an English muffin; order chicken grilled instead of crispy; cook with lean ground turkey breast instead of ground turkey meat; and enjoy yogurt instead of ice cream. 

Step : Nine   Drink Responsibly

Alcohol can be another source of hidden calories. For health reasons as well as a way to cut calories, women should have no more than one drink a day, while men should stop at two. Both a 5-ounce glass of wine and 1.5-ounce serving of distilled spirits have 100 calories each, while a 12-ounce beer has 150 calories. Decrease alcohol intake by one drink and there goes 100 calories right there.

Step : Ten . Subscribe my Channel 

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