The film is scheduled to be released June 5, 2015. The first movie poster was released July 22, 2014.[13] On April 10, 2015 individual posters of the main cast comprising of Kapoor, Shah, Singh, Chopra, Sharma and Akhtar (Farhan) were released. The trailer was screened on 13 April 2015 privately by the team for their families owing to the theme of the film.[14] The trailer was made publicly available on April 15, 2015. [15]
The film is scheduled to be released June 5, 2015. The first movie poster was released July 22, 2014.[13] On April 10, 2015 individual posters of the main cast comprising of Kapoor, Shah, Singh, Chopra, Sharma and Akhtar (Farhan) were released. The trailer was screened on 13 April 2015 privately by the team for their families owing to the theme of the film.[14] The trailer was made publicly available on April 15, 2015. [15]